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Saturday, January 11, 2025

“Shqiptarët vijnë si turistë, shihni si vijnë këta”

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“Shqiptarët vijnë si turistë, me valixhe dhe të veshur mirë, më pas kërkojnë azil”.

Kështu shkruan një gazetë gjermane, duke theksuar se numri i azilantëve nga Ballkani Perëndimor njeh vetëm rritje.

Një ditë më parë ministri i Brendshëm gjerman, Thomas de Maiziere tha se është turp për Europën që kaq shumë azilantë janë nga Ballkani Perëndimor.

Ndërkohë që shqiptarët shkojnë si turistë, shihni se si shkojnë për azil këta emigrantë, të cilët sapo u shpëtuan nga një roje bregdetare pasi anija e tyre po mbytej në brigjet e Libisë.

Një gazetar i Daily Mail ishte aty për të dokumentuar operacionin e shpëtimit.

Saved: Mail on Sunday's  Ian Birrell is pictured onboard the migrant boat carrying 414 men, women and children shortly after it was intercepted off the Libyan coastDesperate: A boat of more than 400 migrants is spotted 30 miles off the Libyan coast and an international rescue ship dispatches its launch to meet themHorrible: Panic mounts as water rises inside the decrepit migrant boat, where some 200 people had been travelling shortly before this photograph was takenHelping hand: Ian Birrell became the first Western reporter to assist in migrant rescue op, helping to save hundreds on the Mediterranean seaRisky business: The migrants are moved from the fishing vessell onto the launch about 15 at a time, and then transported to the rescue ship. But the overloaded boat is unstable and transferring them is perilousHope for the future: Palestinian-Syrian boys Mohammed and Amar sleep on the decks of the MOAS  ship The Phoenix after being rescuedThe search and rescue mission was run by Migrant Offshore Aid Station (MOAS)  who have since spent more than £5 million saving migrant lives, with support from Medicines Sans Frontieres (MSF)Dreaming of a future: Kassim Bamba from Ghana, pictured left with Ian Birrell, dreams of playing professional football in EuropeSharing stories: The migrants speak of their journey from war and terror as they approach ItalyNew beginnings: Ian Birrell says goodbye to a family from Cote d'Ivoire as they disembark the MOAS rescue ship, The Phoenix in Messina Italy for a new life

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