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Saturday, April 20, 2024

Jetojnë në harmoni me kafshët e egra

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Këta gjahtarë nga një fis i lashtë në Namibi, Afrikë, nuk kanë frikë nga një çitah, e cila gjuan përkrah tyre.

Fotot janë realizuar nga Jack Somerville.

Ai thotë se këta gjahtarë nuk kanë frikë nga kafsha e egër, pasi jetojnë në harmoni me natyrën dhe krijesat e saj.


Fearless: Two hunters from an ancient tribe look unconcerned as they use a bow and arrow to catch their dinner - just yards from a fully grown cheetahOne of the hunters sits down and looks relaxed as the fully grown cheetah strolls around behind him in the Naankuse Wildlife Reserve in central Namibia, AfricaRelaxed: Both man and beast appear at one with each other as one of the hunters takes aim with a bow and arrowNo sudden moves: The two men monitor the movements of the fully grown wild cheetah. The animal, called Aiko, was brought to the reserve after being rescuedAt one with nature: Photographer Jack Somerville, 26, captured the spectacular images while spending time with the San people in the Naankuse Wildlife Reserve in central Namibia, AfricaAiko was taken to the reserve when he was captured in a trap set by a farmer when he was a cub, along with three of his siblingsThe San people can also be called 'bushmen' or 'basarwa' and their territories span Botswana, Namibia, Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe and South Africa

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